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Can I share the font?

You can share the font depending on the license chosen. For the specific conditions of font sharing within the frame of your EULA, please refer to the dedicated section on copying and sharing.

Sharing fonts: quick reference table

How to read this table

The first row lists the License type, the column headers list various typical parties. The checkbox indicates wheter, under the terms of a given license, you can share the font with another party.

Example: “Under the terms of the Trial license, you can share the fonts with a colleague.” A colleague is defined as an employee in the same company as yours.

License typeColleagueClientPrinterDeveloperSupplierFreelancer
Social Media
Mobile App
Audio-Visual and Film
Third Party
Advertising (OOH/DOOH)
Online advertising
Digital POS
Product Packaging & Merchandise
OEM Software/Hardware embedding
Epub and Online PDF Publications
Powerpoint embedding
Architecture, signage and environmental graphics
Analog Distribution

Can I share the font with a client or a supplier?

You can share fonts with third parties in three cases:

  • share with printers: with a Desktop license
  • share with web developers and agencies: with a Web license
  • share with other third parties: with a Third party license add-on

Beside the exceptions set above, you cannot share the font for subsequent use by a third party. A license is issued to a given entity, and whoever wishes to access the font must purchase a license.

Sharing fonts is in breach of our EULA and expose you and your client to liability.

Can I share the fonts with a web agency?

We always require that the Web and App licenses be purchased by the end-user, which owns and controls the website or app.

You are the owner of the website

You can share the fonts with your developer or web agency for further embedding as a resource of the site. If those suppliers need to create assets such as static bitmap images, they need a Desktop license of their own.

You are a web agency / web developer

If you have purchased the font yourself, your license cannot be transferred for exploitation by your client, and you cannot share the fonts.